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Fun Wedding Food

Wedding Reception Food Station Ideas

As an event planner, you want each aspect of your event to be memorable. Your choices can make a massive effect on occasion attendees for better or for worse. In order to get the most from your catering strategy, here is a listing of 5 innovative ideas for your next event that will certainly make your attendees' event experience more enjoyable! Look here more ideas. 

Provide Attendee-Requested Options

Worried if your attendees will not like your choices? You should supply what your attendees want. Simply add a choice on the registration page inquiring exactly what the attendee would prefer if your event administration system has customizable registration choices! Or, if you are an event planner that plans events each year, then just create a questionnaire after your event they would prefer for the future.

Pick Unique Foods

Normal food options lead to event experiences that are average. If you want your event to stand out, why should not the catering choices follow suit? Think about offering exotic food choices at your next endeavor that is catering, such as these rice hamburgers that are crispy! To find food options, think about checking social networking platforms such as Pinterest out to find more innovative catering ideas.

Sushi Bar
And to Drink

It is not your wedding catering you can think outside the box with -- what about your beverages? Decide on some wedding cocktails and your guests will talk to come. Serving Prosecco instead of champagne is a great wedding budget hack, and the staff at Waitrose Cellar possess some amazing ideas to jazz it up, like mixing it with fresh passion fruit juice and orange liqueur to get a tropical Bellini, or incorporating lemon juice, fresh root ginger and caster sugar to get a sharp twist.

Cheese Bar
Salad Bar
French Fry Bar
Food Bars

Why don't you let your guests' graze on whatever food takes their fancy? Wedding place The George in Rye have lately established Gourmet Grazing Stations so couples can establish a few things that were diverse so there is something for everyone. "More than ever we are seeing partners come to us having a really powerful vision of what they desire to their day and in particular, needing to create a catering screen that amuses their guests. The Oyster & Champagne Bar is just stunning -- a treat for the eyes as far as the palette. Similarly the Doughnut Deli, a sour wall of pleasure, is a popular selection for late night munchies," reveals Alex Clarke, the owner of The George in Rye.

Fork Buffet